She and life were besssshhtttttt friends!
She was greatful to life and life was greatful to her :P
They laughed (together and at each other), they cried, they fought, they teased each other, they fought, they loved each other, they just could not live without each other.
Life gave her what she deserved, what she needed and not whatever she asked for. That way life made sure she would be grounded, thankful and wont take life for granted. She had interesting talks with life all the time.. Everything was going neat.. happy family.. great friends.. best things happening to her all the time :)
Guess it was time for the next best thing to happen to her :) And then entered 'he.' Very strange the entry was.. the knight did not come riding a horse nor in a shining armour.. It was a white box which instead of trotting on 4 legs, seemed to run on 4 air-filled circles, one of which decided to puncture itself midway, to give them more time to know each other?? There was no lightning, no thunder, in fact it was too dark that they couldn't even see each other :P
The boy, shy all his life, borrowed guts from source unknown to strike a very interesting conversation with her.. Abt a topic close to her heart.. Shopping!!
With promises of shopping the next day, they departed. He, the smarty that he is, replied to every sms of hers with a call, on the pretext of being so tired that he could not type a reply. The call was to plan the evening of tomorrow. Yes yes, the shopping list, the budget, the thank you's, the welcome's, the dinner menu's of the day at their respective homes were all included into the agenda of the phone conversation. Boys she thought!!!
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